Home School Agreement
At The Trumpington Federation, we recognise each pupil as an individual and aim to give all pupils every opportunity to realise their full potential.
We believe that a close partnership between the school, parents and pupils is essential if we are to achieve this aim. The aim of our home-school agreement is to encourage consistency, equality and fairness in all matters about the school.
This is achieved most effectively when all staff, parents and pupils understand their responsibilities and work together towards the same goals.
As a Federation you can expect us to:
- provide a broad and balanced curriculum which challenges children to reach their potential and fulfils the requirements of the national curriculum
- provide a high-quality, stimulating and engaging learning environment both indoors and outdoors
- work with parents to keep children safe online
- encourage children to try their best at all times
- Promote high standards, expectations and equality of opportunity
- closely monitor attendance and engage with families where attendance is below what we expect
- ensure the safety and welfare of all children and staff
- demand excellent standards of behaviour and respect for others
- provide our best teaching which engages and motivates our children
- engage, challenge and motivate all learners
- let parents know promptly if there are any concerns about children’s learning or well-being
- keep parents and carers informed about their child’s progress via parent consultations (twice per year) and an annual report
- keep personal information safe and secure in line with data protection requirements
We expect parents and carers to:
- bring their child to school every day, on time, to give their child the best chance of being a successful learner. School start times are 8:45am for Early Years and 8:40am for Years 1-6
- accept the Federation’s aims, values, policies and procedures to positively support the Federation’s expectations on behaviour, learning and respect for others
- support their child with home learning; this could be reading, phonics, or using learning platforms such as Times Tables Rockstars
- let school know if there is anything that their child is struggling with at home that we can help with
- encourage their child to do their best
- ensure their child wears the correct uniform
- read communications issued by the school, such as newsletters and emails, and the website, to stay informed about school activities and policies, and attend school events where possible
- let us know about any issues that may affect your child’s wellbeing, learning or behaviour so that we can offer support
- treat all staff with respect and trust our professional approach and expertise
- respect the local community and environment
- work with school to keep your child safe online
- inform the school immediately of any changes to their emergency contacts details
- engage with and sign up to Studybugs, Google Classroom and Tapestry for Reception children
We expect children to:
- come to school every day, on time, ready to learn and wearing uniform
- try their best
- use kind words and actions, online and in person.
- demonstrate our three core rights:
- the right to learn without unfair distraction
- the right to be safe physically and emotionally
- the right to be treated with respect
- complete the home learning tasks set by the teacher carefully and on time - this could be reading, phonics, Times Tables Rockstars or activities on Google Classroom
- look after school property
- let an adult know straight away if they are worried or unhappy
- treat everyone equally, respecting our differences and celebrating who we are, no matter where we come from.