Week commencing 24th Feb 2020
This week we have started our three week unit on information texts. We have looked at the key features of these texts; headings, subheadings, pictures, captions and paragraphs. The text we have started learning is all about the rainforest - linking to our topic this half term. We have had so much fun learning this text using actions.
This week our focus has been positional language. We have been giving and following each others instructions to move around the classroom using forward, backwards and take a quarter or half turn left or right. We will continue to expand our knowledge of quarter and half when we come to looking at fractions next week.
The 7 continents were our focus this week in Topic. We looked at where they were located around the world and some countries within them we may have travelled to before. Next week we will begin to look at the Rainforests and where they are located within the continents. Until then, continue singing along to the continent song!