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Mon 11th - Fri 15th May


Monday 11th to Friday15th May 

Dear Year One

From Monday 11th May all our tasks will be posted on Google Classroom, you will recieve an email and login information.

Thank you to all our families who have been able to update us on the fantastic work you are all completing at home. It is different for each of our families, we appreciate it is hard to set time aside each day but if you have a routine it does make it easier. When you are completing work we would prefer you to write your answers on paper rather than type them in. To submit your work please take a photo and upload this onto Google Classroom, thank you. 

This week will be very different as we are putting tasks on our website; The Trumpington Federation, in addition we will be sharing our tasks via Google Classroom, you should have an email about this. If you are able to access Google Classroom we can mark work you complete, you will be able to see our comments. This may take a few days, there might be some teething problems but we are sure between us it will be great. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to reply to each email, our school office is extremely busy. But please see our reply below. We hope you’ve all been exercising and then settling down to our tasks. We are fortunate that Miss Williams, Mrs Begum, Mrs Gordon and Mrs Godfrey are able to communicate and discuss what and how to plan, we have focused on practical tasks to support our families to develop discussion and reasoning skills. As teachers we have had to complete a lot of new tasks and have found we are sometimes overwhelmed with different websites and things to do, so have just chosen ones we feel are best for you. However, we have been asked about access to books, last week we sent a link home about using Oxford Owl. This week it is a link to Cambridgeshire Library Service, another source of ebooks from the Cambridgeshire library, books and magazines. Take time to have a look at:

If you would like to start exploring touch typing with your child, this can be something you dip into once a week, we would like to suggest This is a free fun website which we feel children will enjoy.

We would love to hear from you perhaps every 2 weeks, see rota below. For example, if your family name is Williams (W)  then we would like to hear from you 4th-7th May and 18th – 22nd May, but if your family name is Gordon (G), then we would like to hear from you 18th 22nd May. Please email our school office, this way they won’t have too many emails, thank you for your cooperation. 

Family name

18th – 22nd May

25th -29th May    - Half Term

A – M


N - Z



It would be good if you could exercise, Joe Wicks (You Tube) or look on the CBeebies website where there are a choice of different presenters. 

Do as much as you can, but enjoy your learning. Don’t forget, there are lots of fun activities to do in Education City!

We have added a book about the Coronavirus which you could read with your child to help them understand why we are not at school. 


Please see the separate Phonics file.


Please see the separate file: ‘The May Ball’ if your child would like some extra support we have made a second file ‘With help The May Ball’.


This week we are continuing to focus on the concept of time. 

Task 1:

Create a daily diary of one or more days of this week. This should include the day and date you are recording. Write down significant parts of your day and what time you completed them. For example 7am Wake up, 8am eat breakfast etc

Challenge - discuss with your children what they were doing in the morning compared to what they were doing in the evening eg 7am wake up, 7pm bath - how many hours apparent were these? Can you work out how many hours there were between waking up and going to bed? 

Task 2: 

Complete a series of activities in 30 seconds and record. An example of this could be how many jumps, hops, skip, bounces of a ball etc. Your child could compete with a parent/sibling to see who can do the most in 30 seconds. 

Challenge - Work out how many seconds these activities took in total eg 4 activities would be 4 lots of 30 seconds. Can you convert this into minutes? 


Task 3: 

Create a paper plate clock (you may have completed this last week) 

Discuss o’clock and half past with your child (we look at this a little in class) Where do you think half past will be, thinking about half way round the clock Can you display these times on your clock?

  • 12 o’clock

  • Half past 3 

  • 8 o’clock

  • Half past 9 

  • Half past 6 

  • 4 o’clock 

  • 11 o’clock 

(Extend and do as many different times as needed/wanted)

Challenge - Start to look at quarter past and quarter to. Where on the clock would quarter past be, thinking about a quarter of the way around the clock. Explain that the right hand half of the clock is always past and the left hand half is alway to. Can you display these times on your clock?

  • Quarter past 2

  • Quarter past 10

  • Quarter to 7 

  • Quarter to 5

Task 4:

Use your paper plate clock to show your child a time of a specific event that is happening in the day. For example if lunchtime is 12 o’clock get them to display 12 o’clock on their clock and set it up next to a working clock in your house. Their task is to watch the working clock and tell you when it is lunchtime (12 o’clock). You could repeat this activity with lots of specific events throughout the day/week.

Challenge -

  • If it is 11 o’clock and we are eating lunch in one hour, what time will we eat lunch? 

  • If it is half past 6 and it is bedtime in an hour, what time are you going to bed?

  • If it is 2 o’clock and you can go on the Ipad for half an hour, what time must you come off? 

  • If it is half past 3 and I want to be home at half past 4, how long is our walk going to be?  


Task 1

Research about cats and pick 2 of your favourite breeds/ types of cat. (Eg – Tabby cats & Siamese cats). Ask an adult or elder sibling to help you research facts on the internet.

Task 2

Make a poster of your 2 chosen breeds/types of cats. Your poster must contain 5 facts about each breed/type of cats.

EG - A fact could be what is their favourite food? What is their typical fur colour.

Task 3 

Explore Cambridge using Google Earth. Can you find Trinity College where Fitz and Will visit in our story? 


Task 1:

Think about recyclable items that you can use to create a model of your favourite breed/type of cats. Choose your materials carefully to ensure your cat models are sturdy and will hold. Once you have chosen your materials, build a model of your chosen breed/type of cat.

Task 2:

Once you have finished building your model write a set of instructions on how you have built your cat model & what materials you used and why to build it.



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Sorry the video link is not working, but has been added onto the Google Classroom site.