Week beginning 30th March
Well done and thank you Year 3 for all of your hard work and for continuing your learning outside of school. It is important to keep revising the work we have covered so far this year and for you all to keep busy and active at home.
Keep going! Here is what we have in store for you this week...
Continue to keep fit with Joe Wicks! You could even create your own workout routine.
Read, Read, Read!
Keep reading every day to expose yourself to new vocabulary and different writing styles! Have you spotted any tools the writer has used? If so, discuss these with someone else in your home. For example, you may spot three adjectives, dramatic sentence openers, generalisers, similes or metaphors, perhaps even personification... Remember, if you comment on what you liked/disliked about a text make sure that you explain why. Create a Word Wall or keep a log of any new and exciting words you encounter in a Word Journal...you could even decorate this and give it a funny or impressive title like My Buzz Words! or Vocabulary Valley!
To get you started and to end our Awesome Ancient Egyptians topic, a non-fiction text awaits your analysis on Education City!
Tomb Reader - https://www.educationcity.com/
Listen to free audio books here: https://stories.audible.com/discovery/enterprise-discovery-21122356011?ref=adbl_ent_anon_ds_ds_dccs_sbtp-0-1
Poetry. Every week we will give you a poem to learn. This week have a go at learning Bush Fire, by Jackie Kay (attached at the bottom of this page). Watch Jackie Kay perform it here https://vimeo.com/162509410. What poetic devices can you find (there is a list next to the poem to help you)? Try to learn it off by heart (so you don't need the words) and then perform it to your family. If you would like to video it to share with your teacher you can email it to the school office, we would love to see your performances.
Grammar Tasks - To keep your minds active and to help with spellings, Commonly Confused Words and PlayLive Words are two fun activities you can find on Education City.
Do you remember non-chronological reports? To link with the analysis of a non-fiction text in reading, please find three links on Education City, which delve into the organisational devices and features of non-fiction texts and how to identify the main ideas in a text.
Are You My Mummy?, Tyrannosaurus Text and To the Top - https://www.educationcity.com/
Extension challenge: Carry out some research of your own! Take notes on a topic new to you. Then plan and create your own fact file using the features of non-fiction texts. It could be about one of the wonders of the world, a rare or endangered animal, a natural phenomenon, a famous person...you choose!
Checklist: enticing layout; complete sentences; generalisers (most, often, usually, rarely...); paragraphs; pictures; captions; rhetorical question; sub-headings; facts and figures
Times tables, times tables, times tables! Keep practising your 4x, 8x, 3x and 6x tables. Remember to practise recalling these at random to make sure you have not just learnt them in order. Write down a times table and see if you can spot any patterns... Can you explain any rules or patterns you have noticed to members of your family? Compare the 3x table with the 6x table. What can you see?
You can also login to Times Tables Rock Stars: https://ttrockstars.com/
Continuing with our unit on geometry, have a go at the following tasks on Education City: Mirror Symmetry, Counting Right Angles, Angling for Angles https://www.educationcity.com/
Using your knowledge of angles and directional language. Can you navigate a robot (family member/carer!) around a room in your house? Make sure that your instructions are clear! For example:
Instructions from the kitchen sink to the dog bowl!
Turn 180 degrees (two right angles) anti-clockwise.
Take 3 steps forward...
Extension challenge: Create a map and set of instructions for someone else to follow and complete. e.g. Instructions to find the treasure on a desert island / something lost in a spooky jungle...
Follow this link to find out about some of the Egyptian artefacts that are in the Fitzwilliam Museum, you can have a go at the activities if you wish. https://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/work/ramesses-iii
Please find below the lyrics to three of the songs we were learning for our Year 3/4 performance.
Please note, the above activities are to be stretched over a number of days. Please do what is manageable as we all work at different paces. We wish to inspire your home learning and to help you to keep busy whilst it is not possible to carry out other routines.