Week beginning 11th May
Hello Year 3!
Miss fisher and Mrs Reston hope you enjoyed the tasks set last week and that you are ready for a new week of learning.
Get ready to explore what we have in store for you this week!
As of now, we would like you to submit two tasks per week for our feedback. This week we would like to see your Cold Task narrative in English and an NRICH challenge. This does not mean that you cannot send us any of your other projects but these are the two you can expect us assess.
Keep safe and have fun completing your home learning!
Mrs Reston and Miss Fisher
Thought for the Week... What does success mean to you?
Think carefully about the meaning of the word success. Independently or with a family member / carer, jot down any thoughts you have into a spider diagram. Here are some though provoking questions for you to think about.
When was the last time you felt successful? Is it after completing the small daily routines such as brushing your teach or helping to clean up after dinner? Or is success an end goal that you work hard at over time to achieve, conquering obstacles and solving problems? Does success come without failure? Can you be successful if you come last in a running race but you did complete it? Can you share success with others?
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. This is an opportunity for you to reflect on the successes you are proud of and, perhaps, those you are working towards or even thinking about new ambitions.
Take a look at the PowerPoint attached below...
Keeping fit is really important for many reasons but it is made harder by us all having to stay at home. Continue to have fun whilst exercising with Joe Wicks’ inspirational daily live PE lessons!
If you’re finding it hard...just imagine what it is like for your teachers! Yes, we are all a little achy!
Before beginning your daily maths tasks, start by sparking up your energy by answering mental maths questions and recalling your times tables. By the end of this term, you should be fluent in the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 6 and 8 times tables. Learning is fun so if you are struggling with these why not play a game at the same time, like Tables Tennis below! Daily 10 is also an exciting way to quiz yourself using quick recall and metal maths skills. You can select Levels 1, 2 or 3 and you are in charge of how much time you have to answer! Good luck!
Here are five fun lessons from the National Academy website to continue our work on fractions:
Monday - https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/maths/fractions-finding-equivalent-fractions-year-3-wk3-1
Tuesday - https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/maths/fractions-finding-equivalent-fractions-year-3-wk3-2
Friday – https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/maths/fractions-revising-fractions-year-3-wk3-5
NRICH Fraction Challenges…To Keep You busy!
A Bowl of Fruit https://nrich.maths.org/218
Paper Halving https://nrich.maths.org/13059
Doughnut https://nrich.maths.org/959
Same Shapes https://nrich.maths.org/990
Fraction Card Game https://nrich.maths.org/2729
Maths Invaders:
Monty’s Maths Wall:
Placing Numbers on a Number Line:
Keep reading for pleasure daily to build on your vocabulary and experiences of varied writing styles.
This week we shall be looking at suffixes and have set your reading challenges on Education City.
Suffix up Look Sharp x3
Ender's Game Show x2
English Writing
Monday: Cold Task
Watch the curious short film named Origins from The Literacy Shed. What do you think the word origins means? https://www.literacyshed.com/origins.html#
After watching the video, scroll down to find some further questions to spark your imagination and to help you to share your thoughts about what you have seen.
Writing Task: Hint don’t tell! Write about a being wandering through the woods. Describe it and its surroundings without revealing what it is until the end…
Aim to write at length, ideally up to an A4 page. We look forward to reading your creative stories once you have completed and submitted!
Tuesday: WALT: Internalise a story
How many different styles of stories can you think of? Revisit The Tin Forest by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson. Does the story make you feel any emotions? Why do you think this story is known as a rebirth story? What message do you think the story tells us?
The Tin Forest (reading) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j_XPFxy5js
The Tin Forest (video) https://vimeo.com/36088583
Drama: Use the text map below to begin to learn The Tin Forest. Remember to use actions and expression when retelling the story to help you to retain it!
Wednesday: WALT: Empathise with a character’s emotions
Continue to learn the text map for The Tin Forest, making sure to use all of your best actions!
Task: Copy your own version of the emotions chart below to record how the man is feeling in the story. Think carefully about synonyms for emotions other than sad and happy. What do you think the old man is like? Can you track his thoughts throughout the story?
Thursday: WALT: Write a diary entry from a character’s perspective
Continue to recite the The Tin Forest using the text map…how much can you remember?
Time to act! You are the old man at the beginning of the story. Imagine you are taking a walk about his surroundings. What can you see from his perspective / viewpoint?
Task: Using your imagination, emotive language and your feelings chart from yesterday, write a diary entry as if you were the old man in The Tin Forest. What questions might he ask himself? You can use the link below to research features of a diary and self-assess your writing against the writing targets.
Diary Writing https://prezi.com/ui28dijgcobc/diary-writing-ks2/
Friday: WALT: Write a diary entry from a different perspective
Recite The Tin Forest using the text map.
Now, read the extract below. What do you notice about the text? What writing skills have been used? From whose perspective is it written?
That’s right…I’m a bowl on a shelf in a shop!
Task: It’s your turn to have some fun writing a diary entry from the perspective of something unexpected or obscure…like a flower, a raindrop, a rusty old wheel, a bird, a light bulb…you choose! Look closely at the example above, use various writing techniques to add detail to hook the reader and self-assess using the writing targets checklist from yesterday.
What is the object thinking? How is the object feeling? What does the object witness / see?
Spelling focus: suffix –sion
Work your way through the powerpoint presentation and take a look at the link below from BBC Bitesize.
You can even make a spelling fortune teller and text yourself using the dictation and handwriting sheets attached! Remember to ensure that you are writing neatly on the line, that you have clear ascenders and descenders and that you are joining your letters in the appropriate places.
Want to learn more?!
It is really important to keep practising your spellings. You could use the look, cover, write, check technique.
Let’s continue to learn about mountains. Do you know the names of any famous mountains or mountain ranges? Where in the world do you think mountains can be found? Are there any mountains in Cambridgeshire?!
Mountains https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z849q6f/articles/z4g3qp3
Task: Read through the mountain facts sheets attached and use Google Earth to research a mountain of your choice. Take notes as you go of the exciting information you discover and create a fact sheet of your own. Use your knowledge of non-chronological reports to make it eye-catching and wow your reader with impressive facts!
Google Earth https://www.google.co.uk/intl/en_uk/earth/
Ready to get your hands dirty?
What is soil made from? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z9bbkqt/articles/ztvbk2p
What is soil? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z7rb4wx
What’s the dirt on…dirt? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if29mjcd5bc
Experiment: Make a sediment Jar!
Firstly, gather a sample of soil to test. (This could be from a garden or from a walk.)
Next, carefully pour it into a transparent container with some water.
After that, vigorously stir or shake the soil and water to mix it together.
TOP TIP! Do not shake unless your container has a lid!
Finally, observe and record your results. These may change over time…providing you keep the jar still!
The Soil Profile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeuQeAxJIjs
Recap some of your linguistic skills and make Mrs Cubitt proud!
El alfabeto y los números https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/foundation/el-alfabeto-y-los-numeros-year-3-wk1-2
Still Life, Jar and Fruit, 1894, by Paul Cezanne
still life
a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture, such as bowls and glassware
Inspired by The Tin Forest, can you create a still life using any medium you have lying around, such as pencils, paints, crayons, chalk, objects, collage or photography. There are some pictures attached below.