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Maths at the Federation



At the Federation, we have developed a systematic approach to the teaching of maths. 

Children are given opportunities to develop their mathematical fluency, through regular practice of calculations and mental strategies – ranging from number bonds and times tables to increasingly complex written methods. 

Our children are also given regular problem solving and reasoning challenges in all year groups: these allow them to use their maths practically, develop their logical, strategic thinking and apply these skills to a range of real-life contexts. 

There has also been an increased focus on encouraging children to explain their mathematical thinking, both in written and verbal form, using precise mathematical vocabulary and on using concrete mathematical resources to support learning.  

Teachers at the Federation plan maths lessons to suit the needs of their class. 

Each child completes a cold task at the start of each unit of maths, from which teachers identify common misconceptions, targeting these within their lessons. 

Children then have the opportunity to demonstrate and celebrate their progress at the end of the unit. 


As a result of the work of teachers exploring new approaches to the teaching of Maths, children at both schools are increasingly enthusiastic and confident in their Maths lessons.