Week beginning 4th May
Home Learning Year 3 Week Beginning 4th May 2020
There should be no need to print anything for any of the lessons this week. All you will need is a pencil and some paper.
Maths – Fractions
For the daily lessons, we will be using the national academy website again with further activities attached at the bottom. There have also been some tasks assigned on Education City in ‘Set Classwork’, ‘week beginning 4.5.2020’. Please can you continue to practise your 3, 4, 6 and 8 x tables. To help with this you can use: https://www.timestables.co.uk/, https://ttrockstars.com/ and https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Monday - https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/maths/identify-and-describing-non-unit-fractions-year-3-wk2-1
Tuesday - https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/maths/finding-non-unit-fractions-of-quantities-year-3-wk2-2
Friday - https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/maths/compare-and-order-unit-fractions-year-3-wk2-5
English – Setting Descriptions
Writing - WALT write a setting description. There are 5 video lessons for you to watch and some setting pictures attached below to help you with your description. Try to choose your words carefully to paint a picture in your teacher’s mind.
Reading – see the attached Mild, Medium and Spicy Tasks below.
Grammar – WALT identify word classes. Learn the word class poem attached below to help you remember what the different word classes are and their function. Watch the following clips to remind you of each word class:
Nouns - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/zpd8ng8
Verbs - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/articles/zpxhdxs
Pronouns - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/articles/z37xrwx
Adverbs - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/articles/zgsgxfr
Prepositions - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/articles/zw38srd
Spellings – see the attached documents below.
Afternoon Activities
Geography – WALT understand how mountains are formed. Work through the power point attached below and then try some of the activities which are also attached below.
Science – We are starting to learn about soil. Use the website to help you get started: https://www.soils.org.uk/young-soil-explorers. You could collect some different soil samples from you garden (if you have one) or when you are out on a walk. Copy the table attached below (WALT investigate the properties of soil) to help you compare the samples.
Art – try making an origami bird: https://www.origamiway.com/origami-birds.shtml. It would make an excellent addition to your reading challenge task.
DT – use your knowledge of unit fractions and non- unit fractions to make a fraction pizza. See the document below for some ideas.
Music – Make a soundscape. Using your voices or improvised instruments (eg saucepans or empty plastic bottles with seeds inside) make the sounds of the landscape at the beginning of ‘The Tin Forest’. ‘There was once a wide windswept place’ ….. and then you could try to make the sounds for the living forest, full of life at the end of the story.
History - on Friday it is VE Day. Use this website to find out more and then try some of the resources attached below. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-ks2-ve-day/z7xtmfr