Week commencing 11th Nov 2019
This week in Maths we have begun looking at fractions - simplifying factions, comparing and ordering fractions and subtracting fractions. We are learning that we must give fractions a common denominator so that we are able to compare, order, add and subtract them.
In English, we have finished off writing news reports. There are so incredible articles about mysterious things happening in Trumpington! Some brilliant articles were written on bats seen flying during the day, the Cam turning into chocolate, Christmas Trees disappearing and Brexit hitting Trumpington!
For Science, we conducted our paper plane experiments. There were a range of experiments happening: some groups measured their planes by the distance they reach, while others timed the amount of time their planes were in the air. We had planes with different wing spans, planes with different types of paper and planes of different sizes.
In R.E. this week, we looked at symbols in Judaism. Here are some examples from our books: